Tweaked Over Cirrhosis

Good news for us alcoholics! A study done by the Kaiser Permanente Medical Care Program of Northern California has concluded that drinking coffee dramatically reduces the chances of developing cirrhosis of the liver!
The study, conducted from 1978 to 1985 involved over 125,000 patients and found that in those with a heavy drinking habit (3 or more alcoholic drinks per day) drinking 4 or more cups of coffee per day reduced their odds of getting cirrhosis by 80%. In fact, the study found that the risk goes down 20% for every cup of coffee you drink every day.
They're not sure what it is in this most disgusting, brown, river water of beverages that causes the reduction; it's most likely not the caffeine, as tea drinkers did not benefit from the same result.
Now if we can just find a way of sidestepping those other landmines of alcoholism such as dementia, heart disease, alcohol poisoning and questionable sexual hookups. Maybe by drinking urine? That's probably not going to do it, but just in case I've been saving mine in jars underneath my bed like Howard Hughes. Its available for sale at a low, introductory price of just $2.00 per liter! Available in Clear, Yellow, and Hangover Orange! Get yours now!
Sources: NPR Morning Edition
Canadian Readers Digest
Nutra Ingredients USA
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