Movie Reviews From the Past

You know how sometimes you catch yourself watching a really shitty movie, and beyond all reason you keep watching it all the way to the bitter end even though there's a red liquid coming from your ears and you can smell baking ozone? My roommate Aaron and I find ourselves in this situation more often than should be accounted for by chance. I still have sweaty night terrors from viewing Over the Top; a steaming pile of an arm wrestling movie "starring" Sylvester Stallone. The other night we found ourselves actually watching the celluloid equivalent of scooping your brain out with a rusty spoon. I speak, of course, of Point Break.
In the vein of testosterone-laden, overtly homoerotic movies, Point Break delivers like gangbusters, with raw, oily man-tension between Keanu "Whoa" Reeves and Patrick "Roadhouse" Swayze.
Overall the plot is patently ridiculous. If you've never seen it let me save you some heartache: Keanu is an FBI agent who couldn't find his ass with a flashlight and Sherpa guide, going after a blond, crimp-haired Swayze who is the leader of a gang of bank-robbing surfers. Bank robbing surfers. It's the amphetamine-induced fever dream of a madman with visions of kittens juggling knives in his head.
The dialogue is so patently ridiculous that you expect at any moment to see one of the actors to crack open a Mountain Dew and pour it over their face while shouting, "Extreme!" But as I sat there wondering why one of Swayze's surfer crew had a Robin Hood beard, feeling my brain try to squeeze down my throat in an attempt to save itself, I realized that this movie, despite its savage failings, is actually revolutionary in many important and stupid ways.

Sadly, our two stars survived.

This eventually degenerates into an unapologetically retarded foot chase between Keanu and Swayze where at one point--I'm not kidding--Patrick throws a fucking dog at him. I'm genuinely surprised there wasn't a banana peel gag. Of course Swayze gets away because Keanu can't shoot him (they're buds!) and you're left with the taste of rising bile in your mouth, wistfully pining for the competent police work of the Keystone Cops.
Finally we get to the last showdown which takes place at an airport; Keanu and Gary presumably being chauffeured there in an FBI short bus. What have our heroes learned from constantly underestimating the bad guys and perpetually getting caught with their pants around their ankles? Nothing, apparently, as Gary gets shot in the back and Keanu is blackmailed into aiding Swayze with his escape. It was about this point in the film that I just wanted to reach through the TV and dump Keanu's books for being such a tiresome, pathetic, "special" agent. You sort of want him to be attacked by killer bees.
The last scene of the movie is the best...or worst, depending on your tolerance for awful hilarity. Skip ahead a year or so and we have Keanu running into Swayze down on a beach in Australia where Swayze is planning to "catch the ultimate ride" he's been talking about the whole goddamn movie, on waves large enough to capsize Noah's Ark. It's revealed that Keanu has been tracking Swayze this whole time, just missing him in every city (shocker there.) Since the dolt knew Swayze would be at that beach at that this time of year did he have to go all "Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego" on his ass, I dunno. And then, when Swayze asks:
"Still surfing?"
Keanu answers, "Everyday."
WHAT?! Well maybe if you weren't fucking surfing every damn day you could have saved a lot of trouble and caught him months ago, you inbred piece of Jell-O headed shit!

Goddamn I hate that movie.
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