Douche Bag of the Year

I don't know if you've been keeping up with the trial of Zacarias Moussaoui (pronounced Moo-Sow-Ee) or not, ladies and gentlemen, but some really side-splittingly amusing stuff has come to light. While it may be in bad form to think anything about the trial of a confessed 9/11 terrorist is hilarious, I challenge you not to laugh at the direction Moussaoui is taking in his "defense," and the evidence surrounding it. First, the nuts and bolts.

According to his own testimony, Moussaoui was supposed to be a part of the September 11th attacks by hijacking a 6th plane along with accomplice Richard Reed and fly it into the White House. You may remember Reed as the MacGuyver-esque brainiac who was arrested when he tried to blow up a plane with exploding shoes like something out of a Road Runner cartoon. Moussaoui's in-court confession paints him as a high-level al-Qaeda member who was quite the man-about-sleeper cell when it came to the World Trade Center attacks. The most despicable madness that came out of his mouth was a statement that when he heard one of the flight attendants on a recording from a doomed flight say "I don't want to die," that pleased him to no end. Take notes, ladies and gentlemen; this is how to be a world-class douche-bag. And, as it turns out, somewhat of a sad, braggart of a liar with delusions of grandeur.
In an effort in damage control, the defense for this goat's penis of a man submitted testimony from actual high-ranking al-Qaeda operatives, who attested to the fact that even if Moussaoui had informed FBI officials of what he knew prior to 9/11, it would've been about as helpful as telling Custer that it was supposed to be a sunny day at Little Big Horn.

(Zither music ring-tone goes off)
Guy: Who is it, Khallad?
Khallad: Ohhh, DAMNIT!
Guy: Not that Moussaoui guy again…
Khallad: Yeah, it's him. Man! That guy just cannot take a hint. (Pushes the "Send to Voicemail" button.) Praise Allah for Caller ID.
Guy: Let's start a rumor that he wets his bed.
It gets better! Another al-Qaeda member, this time Mustafa Hassauoi, responsible for a fair piece o' terror in Asia, testified that his terrorist cell couldn't wait to get rid of Moussaoui whenever he would come to visit, actually dipping into their personal funds to pay to pawn him off on somebody else! This is comedy gold! Moussaoui is the terrorist equivalent of that needy, pathetic friend everyone has that you don't really like but can't bear to tell directly to "fuck off," so you try to avoid him and give him the wrong directions to parties and shit.
Mustafa claims that Moussaoui was always trying to get them into schemes that al-Qaeda really didn't have any interest in. I guess nobody liked his "al-Qaeda Funky Car Wash" charity drive idea, or that jihad against "Shelly," the waitress at Applebee's who didn't refill his coffee enough times. Mustafa is actually on record as saying Moussaoui was, "not right in the head."
I fucking love it! Hey, they may be sociopathic, hijacking murderers, but they're not crazy. Moussaoui is actually too nuts for al-Qaeda. That is some kind of special breed of staggeringly awful human being.

Douche-Bag of the Year!
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